Solo en lo que me doy tiempo postearé una lista de datos inutiles...disculpen por los ultimos, pero no tuve tiempo para traducirlos...
- La palabra Karate significa manos vacías
- Cuando Bugs Bunny apareció por primera vez en 1935 lo hizo con el nombre de Happy Rabbit.
- En la revista Time en 1938 el Hombre del año fue Adolfo Hitler.
- En 1980 en un hospital de Las Vegas se suspendieron a varios trabajadores por
apostar a que hora iban a morir los pacientes.
- Las caricaturas del Pato Donald fueron vetadas en Finlandia porque éste no
usaba pantalon
- Investigaciones dan como resultados que los insectos son atraídos por
personas que recién comieron plátano
- Las medidas de la muñeca Barbie si esta fuese humana serían de 99 - 56 - 84
- 100 tazas de café tomadas en un lapso de cuatro horas técnicamente pueden
causar la muerte
- Typewriter is the longest word that can be made using only the letters on the top row of the keyboard.
- Kermit the Frog is left handed
- Wayne Static (from staticX) uses glue to stick his hair up
- John Lennon shoplifted in Holland the harmonica he used on Love Me D
- Julio Iglesias once had five gallons of water flown from Miami to L.A. so he could wash his hai
- Winners at the 2001 Ig-Nobel Prize ceremony for eccentric researchers, inventors and scientists include an American who claims to have invented anti-flatulence underwear, a Lithuanian who set up a theme park dedicated to Stalin, and two Indians who discovered that nose-picking is commonplace
- Zeuxis a Greek painter in the 5th Centrury BC laughed hismself to death while looking at one of his painting
- Charlie Chaplin once came third in a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like competitio
- An average of 76 people a year die playing twister, and about 23 of which are through playing the nude version
- Beard hair grows at twice its usual rate when you're in a plan
- The longest ever penis recorded by scientists is 13.5 inche
- If you fart constantly for 6 years, 9 months and 23 days you would produce enough gas to explode an atomic bomb
- A man filed a lawsuit against his doctor because he survived longer than what the doctor had predicted.
- In the 1985 Boise, Idaho mayoral election, there were four write-in votes for Mr. Potato Head
- In Israel, religious law forbids picking your nose on Sabbath
- A surfer once sued another surfer for "stealing his wave." The case was thrown out because the court was unable to put a price on "pain and suffering" endured by the surfer watching someone else ride "his" wave